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How to Design Packaging


If cardboard box with lid is a brand or a completely new product, you will need to define with your customer the target market and how they want to reach them. For example, does the packaging style have to be young and hip, or is it a luxury brand?

How to design packaging

If the brand already exists, it's up to you to see how it can position itself within the existing product line while standing out from the crowd. You can choose to change the colour or photo of the product or to do more. However, make sure you stick to the existing fonts and style.

Observe the packaging on the market

Whatever custom packaging for small business you are working on, you will need to do a minimum of research to identify products occupying the same niche. Imagine, for example, that you are working on the packaging of a new detergent: you will then have to take a walk on the shelves of a supermarket to see what the products of other brands look like.

Will the product be in the cheapest range, or will it be a luxury item? Your future packaging will, of course, have to stand out from all the others; how far you can go remains to be seen. While all other packaging has a minimalist and low-colour style, designing opposed packaging can enhance the brand or ultimately detract from it. If your graphics stand out too much from that of another packaging, you will need to incorporate some logic into it to scare away potential customers.

I remember the strategy employed by the head of the Graphics department of a supermarket chain and his team. Whenever they had to design cereal boxes, they first looked at what the leading brand was doing. They then selected certain graphic aspects which constituted the starting point of their work.

For example, if the leader had used a character on their deck, they would create their character, etc. Often, the top brand products are designed by the same teams as those of the private labels, the only difference being in the packaging, the price, and the brand's perception.

Be Inspired by What Is Done Outside the Niche

After carefully analyzing the accomplishments of the competition, take a close look at what is being done outside of your niche. This will allow you to find products that cater to a similar group of customers, probably using very different graphics. For example, imagine being briefed to design the packaging for a range of luxury cookies. Next, take a look at premium ice or wine packaging for inspiration. Write the names of the products you like, and then create an inspiration board on your computer.

Design Your Packaging

Once you've done your research and drawn inspiration from various sources, it's time to get on with the design. Maybe your client already has an idea for a box or label they want to use, or they've asked you to submit several proposals.

If you need to work on the packaging typology of a product, such as the shape of a box, do not hesitate to create rudimentary cardboard models to test their operation. You can then continue with your usual creative process. Remember to consider the method of printing the packaging, which varies depending on the type of material used.

How to present your creations?

There are several ways to present the packaging you have designed. If you have the boxes, jars or bottles, you can print your graphics and apply them directly to the packaging. You can put your designs on the image if you have a photo of the box, jar, or bottle. You can also find or take a picture of similar packaging and put your artwork on it.

Do not hesitate to use Adobe Dimension, software allowing creating models and 3D representations. You can also make a visual of your packaging using 3D software. I use Cheetah 3D, which is affordable 3D software for Mac.

Why let the experts take care of the paper version?

As I said before, if you need to design the shape of the box, it might be helpful to make a mockup first. Once the general box shape has been approved, I recommend hiring a structural design expert or a packaging printer to help you define the cut lines. Indeed, these professionals have specialized software and are fully aware of the thicknesses and tolerance levels of different materials. In addition, they can create cut lines using as little material as possible, thus improving the profitability of the packaging. Be aware that if you decide to make the cut lines yourself and the cut is offset by a millimeter, the flaps may not fit correctly.

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